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Posts posted by JCog84

  1. Hi all,


    I have an issue with my SRC G36K that I am hoping someone can help me with.


    To start you will have to forgive me on some of my terminology, have only been airsofting for a year and whilst I know some stuff not all.


    I took the barrel section out around two weeks ago to check the length of the inner barrel as I was looking to upgrade and everything went back together like a dream.


    However last night I took it back out to upgrade the hop up bucking and nub, which was simple enough but now the barrel section will not go back into place properly. It looks like the hop up unit is not sliding onto the 'air nozzle'? properly.


    Has anyone else had this issue or have any ideas what I am doing wrong? As far as I can see I am not doing anything differently to last time when everything clicked back into place.


    Cheers in advance.

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