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  1. Thanks, I'm aware of the UK laws and whatnot. The field I was commenting on is a private field thus that is nothing to be really concerned with in that aspect. Also, what sort of websites do you suggest or is it better to actually visit specialist airsoft shops?
  2. I'm sort of new to this whole airsoft ordeal and I was just wanting your opinions/suggestions for a starting gas pistol (2 Tone). The main use is just simply to mess around with friends in the fields or back garden practive, that sort of thing, not necessarily skirmish level. I would like to spend less than £50 but I can go slightly over (Note this is just the gun, not the pellets, gas etc) https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/Blackviper-LS-M9-gas-blowback-pistol.html https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/Crosman-C11-Gas-powered-co2--bb-gun-airsoft-pistol.html https://bbguns4less.co.uk/products/Taurus-24%7B47%7D7-CO2-Gas-Airsoft-Pistol-BB-gun.html http://www.justbbguns.co.uk/product/518/2-TONE-BB-PISTOLS/357/GAS-REVOLVERS/2195/HG132-REVOLVER Thanks for anyone who gives their opinions/suggestions.
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