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  • Guns
    KWA TK45, ASG CZ P-09, KWA M93R II
  • Sites
    Absolute Airsoft

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  1. I have just moved to Daventry and was wondering if anyone knew of any good grounds/ airsoft shops near that I could go to? In the Coventry/Northampton/Leicester area? I'm pretty new to the airsoft scene, but I am really looking to get stuck in
  2. unfortunately my dive into airsoft will have to wait until i get out of plaster! damn kickboxing aha
  3. Thats great!! Hopefully I will be able to get up there for the next game.
  4. Thanks for the welcome Well Xsite seems to be the way forward! How often do they run games at the site (and is booking required?)? I think you could be right about Sunday, I think it could be a bit quiet! I did find the one up at Penn from the map on here, but the webpage for GASS airsoft (I believe) doesn't seem to work?
  5. Hi all, I was just wondering if anyone on here has been to the Penn or Lane End sites near High Wycombe / what are your thoughts on the two grounds? I have been wanting to try airsoft for quite a while now! If anyone were to be going to either of these sites soon let me know? Cheers and happy shooting
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