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Posts posted by Sleighton

  1. This is what I use:


    Cheap reading lamp off fleabay - I swapped out the LED for a UV one and sprayed the tip black to restrict the direction of shine to down not forward when it is worn clipped onto molle. There is no need for all that scruffy tape, however there isn't much holding the battery/clip assembly to the tube and tube to the lamp/switch assembly, so a bit of tape around each join seemed like a good idea and then i got carried away with it lol! At some point I'll get round to taking it off and wrapping it round instead of lengthways.


    Edit to add: I should have put a ruler in the pic, but stretched flat it is 25cm from end to end and it sticks out from my chest about 13.5cm. It is bendy so no chance of it getting damaged easily.


    How easy was it to swap out the Led ? Soldering job ?

  2. Looking for something wearable which i can use to add attachments, do minor maintenance etc without completely giving away position in the pitch black.


    This is mainly going to be used for the tac light which i need to put on the rail of my P226 when i'm using it - Tac light kept in upper pocket of webbing, P226 in leg holster - unfortunately theres no holster which will take it whilst it has the attachment on which doesn't cost a bomb. Currently using the tac light against my hand but if anyone catches a glimpse its pretty obvious where i am.


    Currently considering something like this UV keychain light which i could turn on/off via the switch without giving off a massive glaring signal as to where i am around corners etc.


    Anyone have any other ideas or solutions that they use ? $_57.JPG

  3. Getting a mesh mask to fit under the goggles takes a bit of effort. I used a dremel, some wire cutters and a hot glue gun. I followed these instructions:


    I see a lot of people with mesh masks that don't fit under their goggles very well, the picture above being a great example with the big gaps under the eyes. With the big goggles Revision Desert Locusts the nose doesn't get covered and with small goggles the face under the eyes doesn't. I also think in a lot of cases the mesh mask is too long for peoples faces, it should just come to the chin and no further, but based on the way the headband pulls you often have to cut from the top and not the bottom so it naturally sits in the right place.


    You just need to spend some time with the right tools. I ended up cutting my mesh mask 3 times. The first time got the right shape but I had it sometimes interfering with the goggles at the sides, it could fit just not most of the time and it depended too much on where the goggles were on the face and it wasn't the ideal place. The second time I fixed that but then what would happened is the mesh would have a tendency to push the goggles up a little. I fixed that by trimming off the top and reducing the overall length and now its just 1cm past the chin. So its going to take a little while to get it right and its going to take a few attempts at cutting before you have it working as you want.


    But don't do what most people do and just live with it. Its easy enough to fix with some glue and some wirecutters, just make sure you can pull the glue off to modify it again in the future because you'll almost certainly want to tweak it.


    This is what i tried to do to the cheap chinese mask using the same video - admittedly without a dremel and just a pair of tin snips and wire cutters. Perhaps i just didn't have the touch but it was a mess by the time i had finished with it. Had to go straight in the bin

  4. Thats similar if not the same mesh mask i used last night (on loan) but it just didn't fit right with the revision bullet ants.


    Fogging isn't so much of an issue as i've taken the foam inserts out of the bullet ants already but it just felt heavy lugging it around and like i said because of the goggles it had to go on top and put more pressure on them.

  5. I'm really struggling with my face protection. Tried a few different combinations but i'm moving away from the neoprene solutions after seeing close to my worst fear coming true and someone taking a shotgun in the face from a yard away when they stuck their head around a corner - i quite like my teeth ! So far i've tried:


    Neoprene mask + Mesh goggles/Bolle Tracker/Revision - Hot !! Want to move away from neoprene for safety reasons as well

    Mesh Mask + Bolle Tracker goggles - Massive fogging even with Anti fog solution

    Mesh Mask + Revision Bullet Ant - Not a great fit - ended up with nosepiece over the goggles putting pressure on the goggles.


    Mainly playing indoors CQB at the mall in reading including evening games where its pitch black throughout the whole site so the mesh goggles just make things a little too dark for my liking, especially when i've used the revisions and seen the difference in field of view.


    I tried the tin snips to cut a cheap chinese mesh mask into the correct shape for the revisions but it didn't go well.


    So two questions


    1. Is there something that will play well with the revision goggles, protective of the lower mouth and that is still comfy and not too cumbersome?


    2. Is there a solution outside of a full face mask which will work or a "set" which will go well together ?

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