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Everything posted by Joshb1612

  1. Yeah I know it's alot but this just the fact that you don't have to take the flash hider off, just slides straight over.
  2. Thanks mate! I did think it would.
  3. Hi guys, need a little help. I want to get one of these: http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/gp-m4-qd-silencer-clockwise-for-m16 for my G&P Commando M4, because it's a G&P the same make as the silencer, does that mean I won't have to change the flash hider? I'm pretty sure the guy in Airsoft Zone where I got my gun from put his one straight over my gun, but before I go buying one I wanted to double check on here first! Cheers Josh
  4. I'll definitely have to have a look at them then!
  5. I got my mid-caps from airsoft world, they're cheap and they've worked well for me so far!
  6. Especially if you have to pay import tax on top too!
  7. I really don't like the idea of importing a gun tbh, which is a shame because like you say their much cheaper!
  8. I just ordered it from land warrior, only because I know they accept BAC memberships thanks anyway though!
  9. I actually didn't think about that, my bad
  10. Hi all, I'm looking at buying my first all black pistol, I've found this:http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-weapons-c38/pistols-c42/we-glock-17-g17-black-p3359 I just wanted to know if this gun is GBB, because it doesn't mention it in ths description. Cheers guys Josh
  11. well I used the perfects .20g today and they held up real well, I think I'll stick with them for a while
  12. So the majority of you use blasters, I'll have to give them a try then. To be honest I have used a lot of bulldogs in my aeg and not had a problem, but now I have a new and better aeg I don't want to run the risk. Has any of you tried the G&G bbs? They seem pretty good which the dew I've shot, look well polished too.
  13. Just had a test fire in the garden and my mate swore a g&g bb just broke in his barrel
  14. Hi guys,I was at airsoft zone today and after talking to the guy who works there, he said that bulldog bbs aren't any good, I've used 12,000 bulldogs and haven't had a problem. He suggested I use g&g bbs. Wanted to get some of your opinions thanks Josh
  15. This is exactly why I choose ESS goggles and inserts, yeah they're pricey but totally worth it, in my opinion
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