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Posts posted by GoBald

  1. Looking at the specs and pictures KTM have solved all the issues that Ducati Streetfighter has.


    1.Same on board computer as the 2013 1190 Adventure R with presets for most conditions

    2.They've thought about comfort for all types of riders not just the average.

    3.Combines ABS and great Brembo calipers

    4.Long 15k Service intervals

    5.Excellent fuel economy


    This is all on paper so again it could end up following Ducati to a painful but quick ride.

  2. enduro 690 will not be so nice on tarmac.... when after a duel use bike it is a world full of compromise unfortunately. I'd say try a supermoto if you are wanting best of both worlds.... my Husky 510SMR was awesome at everything but touring! :D


    Yeh I'm still stuck on what to pick both have their postives and negatives. The best of both would be a 990 or 1190 adventure r but then they're both 20/30% heavier which is a lot on slippery slopes.


    I'll wait until my next years NCB anyways and see what I can afford, I might get the 1290 superduke never know :P

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