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Airsoft x uk

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  • Guns
    HFC VSR 11, G&G CM RK47 ( modified) , G5 MP5K, kimber warrior 008 gbb
  • Loadouts
    British DPM , woodland, militia rebel (terrorist based theme)
  • Sites
    AWA Herts, Airsoft 101 , The bunker 51
  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in the world
  • Interests
    Women guns money and cars

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  1. Finally got round to changing my hop up rubber for my ak

    1. Dan_W


      Can you make a vid or something, I have no idea how to do anything with the hop set in AK's


    2. Airsoft x uk

      Airsoft x uk

      I would if I knew how mate but unfortunately I didn't personally do it I took to proairsoft supplies where they did it, as I'm fairly new to ak's I'm not use to the hop up rubber chamber yet, I tend to be better at bolt action rifles and some gas pistols but I'm sure you can find a vid on the Internet but personally I'd take it down to ur local airsoft dealer where the pros can do it for u also they'll make sure it works after installing it. If u do take it apart b...

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