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Everything posted by mattypug

  1. Hi Anyone know where I can get a compensator barrel kit for a kwa m93r. Cherrs
  2. its a digital woodland, should go nice with dessert boots
  3. Thanks Craig, but i think ill be ok for a while yet, working on loadout. just bought tac vest, boots, ubac top, gloves , mask and goggles, just wanting to find some matching combats. skint now mast
  4. sorry is been a long night? How much?
  6. Will do, I am known to go all out when i want something. I have been on ebay already and found some great tac vests, holsters etc etc.not bad price either. once sorted i'll post some pics. The wife thinks im nuts haha. just looked that site and looks like the kids are not gonna eat this month!!! Still have an issue with where to go though? gonna end up looking like a proper predator style arnie!!!
  7. Hi Zac, I have a few ideas. have a good Army surplus shop close to me. i do have a question though. i wear glasses, do i still need eye protectors?
  8. next one will be a side arm! but lets walk before we can run lol. thanks for the help
  9. FRom the pics its afolding stock, so i assume battery is in handguard. I have seen a few vids on how to take it out, seems pretty simple?
  10. Right then G36 it is! just need to move out of Wales to get some good action lol
  11. I was just goimg to ask you that, cool cheers
  12. Thanks again Zac, think your right time to get out the Credit card. Although i have just beeb offered a SRC G36 with gun bag, 2 batteries and 2 hi cap mags for £150.....any thoughts on the G36
  13. lol your no bloody help......lol
  14. Thanks guys, I think i have it down to 2 http://www.surplusstore.co.uk/bb-guns/two-tone-bb-rifles/cybergun-ak47-tactical-2tone.html or http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_403&products_id=6087
  15. Thanks again Zac, looks like i have a choice M4 or G36 or AK
  16. Hi Zak and thank you for clearing that for me, i guess i have to start somewhere? cant wait to get started. Just out of curiosity, what would you suggest as a good starter gun (two tone) mat
  17. Hi gang! I find myself looking for a new hobby! and my younger brother has been into airsoft for years> looks great, excercise, the outdoors and shooting stuff, what more could a man ask for (legally). anyway, I live in Pembrokeshire and can't seem to find anything close? anyone have any ideas? Also looking to break into my first proper AS gun!, not wanting to be a complete noob and go for one of those lovely two tone orange things, whats a good starter gun? if i am going to do it might aswell do it properly.... Any help would be great. Thanks Mat
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