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  • Guns
    ICS MP5A5
    G&G M14
    TM M3 Shorty

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  1. Haha yeah I know - but after wanting one for so long why the hell not? They look sweet. Side note - is it classed as a RIF? I'm not on the UKARA database and I know that doesn't actually mean I can't buy a RIF but I can't really be arsed with the hassle of arguing the point with anyone (BF etc) as it's looking like this will have to be an evike purchase and therefore US import...😒
  2. Hello all, Looooong time airsofter here but haven't been in an age. Having recently introduced my sister's young brood to nerf I've found myself hankering for some slightly more serious action so have been retrieving all of my gear from the loft. I have in my possession a TM NGRS SCAR L (in FDE). I've got 4 or 5 40mm shells from when I used to play and I've always liked the look of the SCAR/EGLM combo but I see that a lot of the older ones are now discontinuned. Does anybody know of a current brand that is compatible with the TM gun? Thanks in advance.
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