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Dan's Ark

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Dan's Ark last won the day on August 24 2013

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Classic Army M15A4 (Collapsible stock)
  • Loadouts
    None currently.........starting again!
  • Sites
    Gun Ho Airsoft, Guisborough (Now closed)
    NTAC, Durham
    Northern Alliance Airsoft, Dishforth
  • Gender
  • Location
    Middlesbrough, England
  • Interests
    Aviation, modern history, gaming.

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  1. Won't be going to NAE this year, but I'm certainly planning on it next year.

    1. TacMaster


      Yeah same here, hopefully :/

    2. Dan's Ark

      Dan's Ark

      I have a bunch of friends who'd be happy to go, but we decided to wait until next year so that we can plan the weekend out first.

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