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Everything posted by luke303

  1. Thanks to everyone for all your advice. As a family we are absolutely devastated and feel his disability has been used as weapon against him. Our garden is suitable for using the gun but we will probably knock it on the head for the foreseeable. We have asked the school very nicely for a breakdown of their concerns and to see the referral to both authorities but as yet that hasn't been forthcoming. We have actually taken him out of the school citing our own safeguarding concerns as they were documenting everything he said on history and politics. Apparently him saying he doesn't like communism is an extremist view!! I definitely will look at a listening device as I really don't trust them. My son already felt that everyone at school thought he was odd so adding this is the saddest part of it for us.
  2. Hi Everyone, We are reasonably new to airsoft although I have quite a bit of experience using BB guns and paintball. My son is 10 and has a real keen interest in military and history. From this he's gained an interest in Airsoft and asked me if he can get involved in it. He has ADHD and we've found it really hard to get him involved in clubs or sport as he's very shy and struggles to socialise. Furthermore we've been told by professionals to embrace his interests/hobbies however unique. We read up all about the law and ages etc and discovered that he's probably too young to join a club but on private land or at a range he could have a go. So we bought an Airsoft gun and we took him to a shooting range, checking with the shop before we arrived. We've also let him have a go in our garden with adult supervision obviously. Fast forward 2 months and the school has reported us to social services and my son to Prevent the anti terror initiative. Citing safeguarding concerns. Their reasons given that its because he has an interest in history, war, politics etc and now he's mentioned this shooting range trip to his friend. They feel he is being radicalised by us and at risk of extremism because of his interests. Has anyone got any experience of schools having an issue with Airsoft as a hobby. What's people's general thoughts...have we done something wrong?
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