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AMOEBA Striker 01 (AS-01) For Sale: Price Looking For: £140 GBP Posted or £130 Collection ( PORTSMOUTH )
Material: Nylon Fibre + CNC 6063 - Type: Spring Power - Length: 1085mm - Weight: 2340g - Magazine: 45Rds ( ALL FROM AMOEBA WEBSITE )
Description: Its Pretty much brand new, ive only ever used it once in a game and have only put around probably < 100rnds through it. Its been sitting on my wall doing nothing so I'm looking to sell it to buy a DMR. Its a Good Entry Level Sniper and can be upgraded to shoot more powerful. ( Estimated FPS 400 - 440 ) ( x2 Magazines Included in the price )
Accepting Trade Offers for any Reasonable DMRs
Portsmouth - GB