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Everything posted by MrPerforations

  1. my phone is ballon shaped at the moment and has cracked its armoured case due to the battery, the armoured case hides expanding batterie's really well so cant take photo at the minute. its a small gap becoming wider to the rear along the seem of the upper and lower. its only small. ill get a photo in about a week as i have a new battery then. thank you!!!
  2. i have the full Kestrel v2 and the current software does not have active braking as an option? the brushless motors sometimes come with an anti-reversal bearing, mine seem to be happy to turn both ways, so ill keep the latch in for the time being. next question, my upper and lower don't want to come together like the beatles said. i am thinking i need to maybe grind the gearbox top but i thought i would ask as to what i should look at to get them to merge please?
  3. i have heard that you don't need a anti-reversal latch and you turn off active braking with a brushless motor, is this correct please?
  4. hello's, i have started to get the parts i ordered. i have heard that you don't need a anti-reversal latch and you turn off active braking with a brushless motor, is this correct please? i have received the alloy hop up unit and installed it and it feeds. i will assemble again as the little nub lever spring might not be sitting right. i have the kestrel v2 here and intend to install that today, the box is something special. never had such a nice box before, bit to small for the cat though the brushless motor managed to get stolen/lost on route, i forgot that people will just steal your stuff if they have a chance, so i have had to order another one and its the 33k one. the newer better timed Jvan 18:1 gear set is here, they look nice and come packaged well. wish me luck please.
  5. i am thinking that the 470mm barrel would like the newer gears, and im still not sure of what gears to get, thats the end problem i found.
  6. yes, ill take my time doing stuff and install bit by bit. do you think, etu, then motor, hop up, and gears if needed. please? cool, that's what im after. a "normal" rate of fire and the more or less instant trigger response. i'm still not sure of which gears would be best, what do you all suggest please? im thinking 18:1 is probably needed and ordered a set with the later sector delay nub. if you dont know what i mean, check adzzzy's armoury on you tube.
  7. thank you. sounds like as long as i set that up first the gun can run a stupidly fast trigger response?
  8. i contacted kestrel today about the rate of fire control with their etu unit. there an adjustment on the back of the brushless motor to reduce the rpm to half, the 39k does 33k on 7.4v halved to 16.5k. what i asked is does there mosfet etu just control the adjustment or digitally cycle the gun as well, giving another way to lower the cyclic rate of fire. anyone have any idea if this is correct, please?
  9. thank you for the replies, mostly i want to turn the gun in to a £400 gun instead of buying another. i found the gun was slow response and rate of fire a bit low. i got faster 13:1 gears for it and thought i would need a torque motor as well, i found a discount brushless and choose that no realizing it was to fast, i can replace with a 33k. the piston is already becoming concave, probably from when i brought a new spring, it was to long , so i asked and they said to put it in anyway and i was doing 400fps for a bit on full auto. the bjx are not up to scratch then, the newer delay timing position on the sector is why i got them. i can get the another with that. but what speed should i get please? 18,16,13? should i keep the motor go change please?
  10. can you explain please? and i have asked for gear advice, not much help going on.... i have 90 days free return on stuff and months till i go again, what do you advise please?
  11. yes i have played a few games and have only one scar so far, rear of left arm. its winter and im a summertime animal. its m90/300fps with 0.2bb and 2 second max bursts. its an outdoor site, a lot of objects and the owner and staff are nice.
  12. i doubt it will, but i need something to do as i am not very well. but thank you for your time.
  13. hello's again, after a day of trying to force myself to spend money on stuff, i finally did. im going to keep the original, 470mm 6.02 inner brass barrel. bell high performance piston head. cylinder and cylinder head. gearbox casing. the piston head is the same as a Maxx high performance and i assume the rest are the same. i have brought, 13:1 BJX gears, shs delayer chips, sealed bearing, shims and some teflon grease. 39k Brushless motor. Maxx Alloy hop-up with built in tracer , Prometheus bucking and nub. Kestrel v2 with wifi. shs tappit plate. alloy piston body. lots of springs m90-120. o-ring silicone grease. and a cleaning and unjamming rod kit. all the stuff and the base gun have come to about £400. i know i could have got a new gun but will all these parts, i can upgrade any V2 i decide to get later. the new gears hopefully have the different timing chip placement. the hop up was really hard to purchase as it was full price 😭 the tappit plate in the gun looks worn already. can the kestrel work with the ported lightened gear set please? anyone know how easy it would be to wire the tracer up please? will it plug on to or be soldered to the Kestrel? or do i have to do some crazy wiring please? i will be thinking about an inner barrel at some point, but is it worth it please?
  14. first off, thank you for the reply. i did building fishing rods as a hobby that i lost interest in, i now have 60 unbuilt fishing rod i don't want, so one gun is where i'm going to stay. i got the rifle to use in the woods, but the site is hard to get to as i dont have a car. the site i found easy to get to is a good CQB site, only been twice last year before it got cold and dark and i like sun. the Double Bell mk12 i have is a slug at firing with a 7.4v and my stock spring chrono's at around 315fps and supposed to give around 10-11 rps from the Pheas review. i did get a couple of 11.1v's that supposed to up it to 17 rps but haven't used them yet. yes, want it to remain a full auto capable assault rifle but will be trying to use the semi more and improve aim. the CQB site allows full auto bursts with the spring i have but i will be trying some woods games as i dont think living at one site will keep the interest going. i wanted to give it some trigger response, i cant see having crazy rate of fire as being realistic or good use of ammo. when i started buying stuff, i didn't know or even think of having a set up that could be to fast. i have brought this stuff now and i work real hard to get a good deal. SHS 13:1 gears £15 NBF 39k brushless motor £55 chronograph with wifi £15 sealed bearings £3 (the ones in the gun are random shapes but work) 3x SHS delayer chips £5 m100 springs £3 each, intend to cut a few up and experiment with fps's. the only thing i have paid full price for is the alloy piston body £18, as the one in the guns tooth rack is concaved already and it near new. what i am thinking of doing is changing the motor to 33k as its going to be easier to work with. changing the gears to a set with the later delayer positioning as i am lead to believe that would provide more air for the long inner barrel from better timing. do you think it would be better with 18:1, 16:1 or 13:1 gears please? later i intend to upgrade to a ETU unit, open to suggestions please? i am thinking the Kestrel V2 one with the bluetooth. the three round burst should save ammo and pre-cocking sounds like a good idea. i did find a hop up with tracer unit built in, but would i be correct in thinking i cannot wire that up in a M4 rear wired v2 please? oh, i got a couple of high cap Nuprol "maraca" flash mags. best regards MrPerforations
  15. Hello's Forum, i have a double bell MK12 SPR mod1 as it was cheap and all metal. i am new to the hobby and have decided to work on it as a fun project as i want to keep the collect down to one gun. its to be used as a longer barrel assault rifle as i get aroused by m16's. so far i managed to get 13:1 gears and a 39k brushless motor as mechanical upgrades, but i have been lead to believe that this combination would be to fast, would that be correct please? yesterday i discovered that they also do a newer set of gears with the sector gear delayer in a different place. as i have a longer barrel 470mm in my gun, do you think getting a new set of gears is a good idea please? the next question is what gear ratio should i go for with the 39k brushless motor please? i can exchange for a slower 33k speed, should i keep the motor and change gears to suit it or change the motor to suit gears please? i have also brought new bearing as the one it look mashed up and a Prometheus 50-60 bucking and nub. also , if i become a member of a airsoft sites UKARA, can i then paint my gun in funky camo please? i have already brought paint, stencils and masking film for this project. best regards, MrPerforations.
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