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Shock And Awe Airsoft

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Posts posted by Shock And Awe Airsoft

  1. Just because I know a lot of airsofters have the types of radios of which need this licence, we have one to cover your VHF and UHF radios.

    So please dont feel put off by thinking your not covered to use your 5 jigawatt radios, because you are.....simples!!! :)

  2. We offer everything from free advice and guidance to a full overhaul and service or upgrade/downgrade.


    Prices vary dependant on work so please PM with your needs.


    Spring change £20 please add £10 if you need a spring supplying.

    Service £15, will include regrease, gear shim and barrel service. We will also look for any wear on moving parts and advise on any action needed


    Again, Please PM with any needs.


    These prices dont include postage, as will be dependant on site drop off/pick up. If you need postage it will be extra sorry.


    Many Thanks



  3. Hey Guys,


    If your heading Westbound on the A55 (towards Anglesey) turn off at Junction 24a ( The junction after the Little Thief..sorry..Little Chef). Come up to the top of the slip road and turn left...drive for 50-70 yards and there is a gateway on your left with 'Adventure Company' on the front...turn in and follow directions to the HQ..Shock And Awe are at the end of the gravel car park.


    If your heading Eastbound down the A55 (towards Chester) then turn off at Junction 24, and head down the roundabout...McDonalds is on this round about

    (mines a double sausage and egg mcmuffinmeal with a cappucino :) take the first exit off the roundabout and head down A547 Rhuddlan road..then after 2km turn right for 'ST GEORGE' then after 1km you will have gone back over the A55 and you will see on your left with 'Adventure Company' on the front...turn in and follow directions to the HQ..Shock And Awe are at the end of the gravel car park.



    Look for Kinmel Woods under LL22 9BU postcode


    Heres the Gateway into Shock And Awe as you approach it...its on the left after the 30 sign ;)



  4. Face Protection:

    - Face protection is to be worn at all times, only exception to this is in the Safe Zone. Any infractions of this rule will be dealt with instantly and will result in instant dismissal from the site

    - If you are fogged up and can not see try to call over a marshall or tell a fellow player you need a marshall. They will help you out the best and safest way they can.


    Field FPS Limits

    These limits are tested with .20 gram BB. Guns will be chrono’d before game and throughout the day.

    - Aeg/Gas Weapons: 350 MAX FPS

    - Sniper Rifles: 500fps MAX FPS min engagement 30 metres

    - No exception to these rules is permitted as anything over these set limits is now classed as a firearm.

    Bang Rule – There is no bang rule, any close combat should be a single shot or short burst


    Physical Contact

    - Knife Kills are allowed. Only rubber knives are allowed in the gaming areas, no exceptions. If you are executing a player, either place your knife onto the player and say knife kill, or place your hand on there shoulder and say knife kill.

    - There is in no way any real knives allowed on the field. If you are caught with a knife you will be out for the day and happens again there will be a suspension. Multi-tools are the exception to this rule, though if you need a knife in the interest of safety then please call a marshall.

    - There will be no abusive physical contact. If any should occur it will result in the suspension or expulsion of the players involved. There will be no hesitation in calling the police as well.


    Hits and Swearing

    - Airsoft is a game of honesty and remember it is a GAME! We do not promote nor allow cheating or cheat calling.

    - When you are hit your hand goes up and you shout "HIT ". You will walk to your respective re-spawn IMMEDIATELY unless a marshall has told you differently.

    - If a marshall sees you get blatantly hit and you do not call hit, you will be told to go to re-spawn. The marshals word is final!!

    - Dead men/women DON'T talk. If you are hit call it and go to your re-spawn without talking to live players about where or how you got hit. Anyone seen doing this will be sin binned, repeat offenders will be asked to leave site.

    - When taken out by a knife put your gun up and walk to your respawn. Be courteous to the people who were able to sneak up and get you. Do not give away their position.

    - Bad language is tolerated, but should not be directed at any other player. Anyone found swearing at another player will be sin binned, any repeat offenders will be asked to leave site.


    - Marshalls are there for your safety. Respect their calls, do not argue or question them on the field if you have an issue bring it to management to have it worked out off of the field. There may be a number of ‘In Game’ marshals and will produce a marshal card if you are needed to be dealt with or there is a safety issue. A MARSHALLS WORD IS FINAL!

    Wild Life

    - There is wild life on the field (Pheasant, deer, Lee Greenough, Etc.) If you are seen shooting or harming any wild animal you WILL be expelled from the field for good. We are armed, they are not.




    Blind Firing

    - There is NO blind firing at all on the field. If you are caught you will be sin binned, repeat offenders will be asked to leave. Blind firing is when you shoot your gun without seeing where you are shooting, this includes sticking your gun around corners, over or through cover or any other non aimed shot.




    - Pyro is allowed and is available on site. Only Shock and Awe approved pyro is to be used, if you are unsure what is allowed to be used, please see a Marshall. If you intend to use pyro at Shock And Awe please get a marshall to inspect it before game on. NO HOME MADE PYRO AT ANY TIME, ANYONE FOUND USING HOME MADE PYRO WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE.

    Player Pyro Limit

    - Pea Grenades, throwable Mk5, Mk5 electric, 9mm blanks and smoke grenades.

    - Any pyro thrown is the responsibility of that player, please keep an eye on smoke grenades, as they can catch fire.


    Site Pyro


    We do have in game pyro most of the time, it will be marked clearly with ‘Danger Pyro’ safety tape. This is to be well left alone. If it aint yours, don’t touch it!! Any pyro labelled in this way that is detonated by anyone other than Shock And Awe staff/marshall, will be asked to leave site immediately!

  5. 1. Arrival and departure:

    1. As Shock And Awe Airsoft is located on an active shooting estate, we ask you to please take care on the lanes and to give way to any of the deer stalkers on site. We also ask you to be wary of any wildlife on the estate. Please also be curtious to our neighbour on the gate and please try and avoid to congregate at the gate.

    2. Follow the directions given on our website follow through the paintballing car park into Shock and Awe’s car park

    3. Please ensure ALL guns are covered or boxed during arrival and departure.

    4. Players will not bring onto the site any real, deactivated or bladed weapons or inappropriate (non-airsoft) pyrotechnics. Bayonets, samurai swords and machetes have no place in airsoft games. ONLY airsoft weaponry is acceptable.

    5. At the end of the day again please be curtious to our wildlife, colleagues and neigbours on departure.


    2. Site limits:

    1. Site limit are 350fps for all automatic weapon types (AEG & Gas), measured with .20g BB’s - this is an absolute limit not a figure to aim for.

    2. Site limit is 500fps for all sniper based weapons measured with a .20g BB, with a minimum engagement distance of 30 metres – You will be asked by a marshall to show them how far you determine 30 metres to be, if you get it wrong we ask politely that you not use that weapon.

    3. All guns will be chronoed each day, with .20g BB’s - we will provide magazines loaded with 0.20g ammo.

    4. Guns that fail by any margin (even 1fps) will not be able to be used.

    5. Velocity reducers are not permitted since they only reduce the velocity of the first couple of shots of a burst, beyond that the membrane is unable to close fast enough to catch the BBs and therefore many subsequent rounds go through at whatever the uninhibited power of the gun is.

    6. There is no limit to BB weight except for when chronoing. However, only 6mm BB’s can be used on site (Excel or equivalent or our own BB’s).

    7. 8mm BB's may not be used. This is due to the lack of 0.20g 8mm BB's for use in chronoing.

    8. Worth noting if you are upgrading an AEG; a 1 joule spring should keep you well within these limits, whilst an M100 or equivalent may fall either side of the 350fps limit. Worth bearing in mind.


    3. Safety:

    1. A full safety briefing will be given each and every day – if you have any questions, please ask a marshall who will be happy to help.

    Even if you have been to Shock And Awe many times, and heard the safety briefing over and over, please remain quiet so that the new players around you can hear. It could be you who suffers if you prevent others from hearing the safety rules.

    2. A 'Safe Zone' area is clearly marked. Safety glasses are to be worn at all times out of that area.

    3. Prior to entering the safe zone, magazines should be removed, actions cleared and weapons made safe. This includes removal of moscart shells.

    4. All games are marshalled by dedicated staff who will be identified by hi-visibility garments. Listen to their instructions, and please follow their orders.

    5. Approved safety masks or glasses must be worn at all times entering, leaving and within the play areas. If your own eye protection is not considered appropriate you will be issued with a full face mesh mask. Your eye protection should be on before you pass through the safe zone markers, and stay on until you are back inside. 'Goggle lifting' during games is not acceptable. If you are steamed up, speak to a marshal. You will be allowed to return to the game after clearing your goggles in the safe zone.

    6. Shock And Awe strongly recommend the wearing of an approved full face mask, though approved goggles or glasses can be worn by players aged 16+ at the wearers risk. Anyone below this age, must have a letter of consent from a legal guardian, and provided to a member of staff from said guardian.

    7. Any discharging of guns in safe areas may result in immediate expulsion.

    8. Only pyrotechnics approved or provided by us can be used on the site. Pyrotechnics (smoke and BB grenades) can only be sold to and used by players aged 18 or over, it's the law - if you look young and want pyro, bring ID. If you are bringing your own pyrotechnics, please check with a head marshal or site owner before using them. Homemade or home-modified pyrotechnics are illegal, anyone found to be using such items will be escorted from the site and permanently banned. In game pyro will be marked with ‘Danger Pyro’ safety tape. This is our pyro, for us to detonate for your enjoyment. Any one found tampering/detonating this pyro will be asked to leave site immediately.

    9. Areas of the site of potential risk, such as the building roofs and dangerous buildings are out of bounds. These areas will be identified in the safety briefing; one of the reasons it is important that everyone is able to hear it.





    4. Miscellaneous:

    1. We welcome anyone over 12 if parent consent is given prior to arrival, and has signed the appropriate consent form, to our events. If you appear to be below the age limit we will ask you for suitable ID, so please bring some. If you cannot provide ID and we believe that you are below the age limit, you will be escorted from the site. This is not negotiable and we are not willing to void our insurance by operating outside of its terms. If you look younger than you need to be to play, bring appropriate ID.

    2. We can provide limited equipment for hire, but we ask you to email us prior to the event. We can only provide a gun and face protection. It will be up to yourself to be appropriately clothed, and to wear appropriate footwear.

    3. Whilst on the site you agree to being photographed, video recorded or having your image captured by any other means. These images may be published and distributed via the internet or in any other medium for promotional purposes.

    4. Smoking is not permitted within any structures on the site. Smoking is permitted in open areas such as those around the safe zone.


    5. By booking your place at a Shock And Awe Airsoft event you signify that you have read and agree to be bound by these rules. These rules may be changed without notice and all changes will appear on this page.


    Safety and security will always take precedence over gaming.

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