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Everything posted by Henners

  1. Hey guys, thank you for your help, much appreciated! 🙂
  2. Hey Asomodai (and all), do you know what the volume of the Elite Force cylinder volume is by any chance? Cheers!
  3. Thanks for the advice Asomodai - what bore did you get with your ZCI Tightbore barrel? Also, do you know what the volume of the standard cylinder is in the TAR-21? Not really familiar with the Warfet nor Perun - is there much of a difference? FPS is currently circa 400 fps with 0.20g bb and a 509mm barrel Cheers for your help!
  4. Hi all, Looking to add some aftermarket internals to an Elite Force TAR-21 'Elite' model I've had for a good 5 years... and never used lol. - FPS is a little high - considering an M90 or even M80 spring - which brands are known to work well with TAR-21 models? I understand the gearbox is proprietary. - Considering a 6.01mm stainless steel barrel, 509mm - 535mm - Would like the add a MOSFET as well - no idea where to start re. brands and types with these. - Hop-up and Hop rubber - not sure if this is worth touching, or just leaving as stock parts - would appreciate advice on this. Primarily looking to run this as an outdoor setup circa 350 fps with a 1 - 4x scope... would anticipate using on semi mainly, but would like it to be able to squirt with a high ROF when the occasion arises. Also, does anyone know how to disable the EBB mechanism on these AEGs? Advice would be greatly appreciated! Cheers!
  5. Hi all, Would an M1911 MEU fit into a Hi Capa molded polymer retention holster? I understand that the grip dimensions are different, but would the slide, upper frame and trigger guard of an M1911 fit the shape of a Hi Capa retention holster? Cheers!
  6. Hey guys, thank you for all the advice, some interesting points there, and will definitely do a lot more research into this before I start tweaking and upgrading parts. Just to confirm - what is the official UK site limit for semi-auto pistols? Are they regarded as similar to or different to semi auto DMRs? Cheers all!
  7. Yep is from my own chrono at approx 20 degree C. Am not too familiar with GBB internals but I will research nozzle springs - was shooting a bit hot, but also wanted to reduce the gas output and leave the barrel as is if possible. I've noticed that with the 50 rd extended mag, the mag is just about empty when reaching the end of it, so the pistol cycles quite weakly towards the end of a 50 rd mag, so I was wondering about reducing the gas output somewhat, perhaps it would improve the efficiency of the the mag no? Cheers
  8. Hi all, Just wondered - new to the technical side of things, but interested to learn about it. I wondered - are there any after market Low Output valves for the WE M9 / M92 series available? I know there are a lot of high output valves around, but was specifically looking for a Low Output valve, if such a thing exists. Thanks in advance! Cheers
  9. Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has any experience using these regularly in games, what your experiences are with them and your set ups, and what gas and ammo you run them with. How are sites with them regarding muzzle velocity and energy? So far, I've seen circa 355 FPS from the Cybergun Desert Eagle and circa 385 FPS from the WE Beretta M92 Long Barrel, both with Nuprol 2.0 Green Gas, Advice and tips much appreciated, Cheers!
  10. Hey guys, thank you so much for your advice - basically I went full pleb mode and forgot about that ventral grub screw - sorted now, Cheers!
  11. Hi all, I've got a front sight post from a G&P M4 stuck on the outer barrel. I've removed both retaining pins from the sight post (circled in red in photo) and also the retainer pin (also circled in red) from the mock gas tube (circled in green), and it still won't budge, seems to be wedged tight on the barrel - have put blue arrows on the photo illustrating where the sight post seems to be stuck. Any ideas on how to remove it? Any advice is much appreciated, Cheers!
  12. Anyone got advice/can assist with Guarder Aluminium frame fitting for Tokyo Marui Desert Eagle Hard Kick, please contact me! Thanks!


    Also, if you have any maintenance advice/assistance/spare parts for G&G G2010 AEG's, please let me know, cheers!

  13. What are the best bbs to use for a G&P M4? Cheers :-)
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