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  • Guns
    M4 DMR, AAP-01, M4
  • Loadouts
    A DMR as primary.
  • Sites
    MADDOG airsoft, Mayhem airsoft

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  1. fair enough, I was saying CQB not because it's less painful but because you're less likely to trip on pieces of wood on the floor and get a serious injury, especially for 10 year olds. Also, I found that I get way more bruises outdoors than indoors because people have higher joule guns and they can spray you down, and sometimes you get lit up by a random ghillie in the middle of nowhere.
  2. Oh, and get a gun bag, you can't walk out in open public with an airsoft gun, even if it's in a gun bag. It's illegal, so you need to put it in your car when driving to the field. You can do whatever you want with the gun, when you're in private property owned by you or someone who is fine with it. You can bring the gun out, as long as it's in a gun bag, to a less public area, like the front of your house, as long as you're just going out to put it into the car or something sensible like that.
  3. The pain is not much of an issue, maybe let him play indoors and cqb rather than outdoors. Just feels like a sting, from time to time you get a small bruise that's the size of a pea, but it usually doesn't get much worse than that. The issue is safety, a 10 yr old with a gun in the house which shoots 100m/s+ BBs can go downhill quick. You can easily go blind, and I'm not sure how mature your boy is, but I'd keep the gun locked and teach him gun safety properly. A bunch of 10 yr olds playing together can also get them to be less lenient on safety, even if your son is well-behaved, just keep an eye over them. Please teach your son that it's not something to show off, or be outwardly proud of and tell everyone around him about. Airsoft can be culturally unacceptable to some people and it's best not to mention it, especially since he's only 10 years old. Full face mask is good, but for children, it can get heavy and bulky. I think low profile full face masks are better, not massive rental masks. get him some padded gloves too, don't want BBs hitting the bony parts of the body. In terms of guns, you have to get him a 2-tone unless you have a UKARA membership. When it's 2-tone, it doesn't look very formidable at all. but of course, if you're looking for something that doesn't look too real, then get him something like this:Specna Arms - SA-F20 FLEX™ Compact Carbine AEG | Patrol Base UK. You can spend more money, I don't know how much you're thinking of spending. I recommend NOT buying any other brands than the following: Specna Arms(Flex and Edge series), G&G, Lancer tactical(Gen3, Gen4, don't buy Gen2 or earlier generations), Arcturus(expensive). These brands are very standard, won't disappoint or break. Try to get a gun with a mosfet in it if possible, not needed but makes everything better. After buying it, the first upgrade you should do to it, is changing the bucking (hop up rubber) to something like Unicorn AEG buckings. The only accessory you really need, if any, would be an optic, like the £30 ones from Amazon or smth. Just make sure the gun doesn't weigh too much or is super long, running around with a loadout for hours is tiring for anyone, let alone a 10 yr old boy. Get AEG's for him, not GBBR, GBB or HPA. Just makes things easier to manage for beginners. Airsoft guns can shoot a lot further with less down curve than most paintball guns. 30m for a stock gun and up to 100m+ for an upgraded build. It's quite different to paintball in my opinion; the way the games are played, especially outdoors. I'd recommend going to a friendly field, like mayhem airsoft, and let him try a few games with a rental gun before going full in. But beware that rental guns are usually shit, so he might not have a good time compared to using a proper, new decent priced gun. These are just my suggestions, some of them are objectively true, some are just preferences. I'm sure other people have something to say as well.

    • For sale
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    A very new, almost unused Maxx hop up unit. This is the M4P version which is suitable for Polarstar HPA M4's. If you want the best, this is it. Comes with everything that it originally came with. 3 different nub holders, nub styles. Currently, the curved nub has been installed. The allen key needed for modification comes with the rest. Barrel not included, but everything else, yes. Nicely packaged too. Thank you. Feel free to ask any questions. No obligation at all:) LycaJ


    - GB

  5. LycaJ

    Mag Dump Pouch

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    I've never used it, literally just opened the packaging but didn't like it. It is, of course, a very nice mag pouch, helps you reload quicker by just dumping your used mags instead of fiddling with mag holders. it has a cord tightener, so you can seal the pouch to stop mags falling out, although it's deep enough that it probably won't fall out. Price includes postage. Feel free to ask questions and check out my other stuff. Thank you. LycaJ


    - GB

  6. LycaJ

    Molle Phone Holder

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    I haven't used it in a game, basically new. Really nice to use, quite sturdy and goes on any molle attachment points. It's extremely easy to open and close, just pull a tab and release it, same the other way round. Holds phones as big as 15.5cm x 8cm. It's really useful to see maps of the field and play games, if you want. Price includes postage. Thanks, LycaJ


    Cambridge, Cambridgeshire - GB

  7. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    This is my DMR scope which I’m selling to fund a project. It has a variable magnification from 3X to 8X. It also can light up the crosshair from green to red at different strengths of light. The scope is fully adjustable by hand, using the adjustment wheels that click. I have put an aftermarket mount on, making it look nicer and it also has a level measure thing. The vision is crystal clear. The price includes postage. Thanks, LycaJ


    Cambridge, Cambridgeshire - GB


    • For sale
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    10" HAS BEEN SOLD These are freefloat 7" and 10" handguards that fits any standard M4, will fit a regular M4 nut. They are keymod and I can include some keymod rails for an extra £2. Minor scratches. The price includes postage. Thanks, LycaJ


  9. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale or swap
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    This is my DMR scope which I’m selling to fund a project. It has a variable magnification from 3X to 8X. It also can light up the crosshair from green to red at different strengths of light. The scope is fully adjustable by hand, using the adjustment wheels that click. I have put an aftermarket mount on, making it look nicer and it also has a level measure thing. The vision is crystal clear. The price includes postage. This is my account also on airsofthub: Goetland 3X-8X scope - Airsoft Hub Buy & Sell Used Airsoft Equipment - AirsoftHub (airsoft-hub.com) Thanks, LycaJ


    - GB

  10. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    I'm selling my custom AAP-01, it's a beauty and I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. The upgrades are: FUKU-2 skeleton upper CTM Tac bolt handle CTM Tac adjustable trigger CTM Tac Pin set CTM Tac magwell CTM Tac performance recoil spring Short stroked by 5mm (It still locks back but is much snappier than a stock AAP.) The thing is rapid on full-auto and of course it does semi too. I've got extra parts as well which are: A red charging handle An external full auto selector CTM Tac nozzle spring Old parts Overall, it costed me well over £350 excluding the time I spent on it. It's got slight scratches but very few and they are very minor IT DOESN'T COME WITH A MAG. Sorry about it.


    Cambridge, Cambridgeshire - GB

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