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Everything posted by Biggie-Banana264

  1. What dose shimming mean though ? Just standing down top groves ? Also what do people put tape round them
  2. What type of connector is this please, I have a skyrc b6 imax but can’t seem to find a connector for this type of battery
  3. When buying a edge 2.0 upgrades what are cheap upgrades that could be installed for accuracy
  4. Do specna arms edge 2.0 come with a decent fire control system ? I’m buying one next week and are wanting to do a last check I’m thinking either SA-H20 or sa - e23
  5. Do any m4 mags fit any weapon thinking specna arms ? providing the base item is that type base of weapon ? Also what are the most common faults which are easier to fix on the fly
  6. Im wanting to get the following attachments for my specna arms please can you advise me of the following Red dot sights (Prefer one's without a lens through it) Tracer Units Lens Protectors Also Speed loader my mags will be mid cap's Also What brands are good & realiabe for batteries Thankyou for the info guys!
  7. You are correct, it is and thank you for letting me no. I'm just about to buy it iv got a skrimish coming up and want my own weapon i think im going to get it from patrol base im not sure of many places that have really good reviews tbh
  8. Are there 3 types of mounting options or rather types ? im looking at getting this but. Im not sure if i can only attach things at the top. any help would be greatlly appricated
  9. Must have mags and battery charging adapter offers please
  10. You are both fully right, I don’t want to get s****ed. So gonna be really careful and the weapon in after is Specna Arms SA-E23 EDGE 2.0
  11. I’m new to airsoft and am wondering what the average price is for this weapon second hand roughly. Also is there anything I can do to give myself a little advantage. Like making sure the magazine sits properly or any little tricks like that
  12. From this picture am I missing an attachment so I can get the thing in black to attach to my helmet ?. I has rail attachments with it but I’m getting the felling on a square peg round hole 😂
  13. Unfortunately no because they aren’t just straps I can take of
  14. I have a fast striker helmet and iv got the same manufacturer mesh face protection. But I really iv looked everywhere and can’t find these what so ever. Has anyone got any good places where I might be able to find them ? Iv looked on eBay and Amazon with no luck
  15. Use a two point sling ?, looking at the photos it has to postions for the sling. But one is at the end of the stock and the other is before the trigger. Iv got my hear set on this gun now thanks to your guys advice i can't wait just need my ara now
  16. I'v got the revision sawfly's do you think i should have that much of a problem with them ?
  17. Apart from anti fog cream, can anybody think of any low budget or free tricks that have worked for people ? I know of the fairy liquid trick
  18. How do i change my colour lenses please
  19. Okay so realisticily i should be good. I just didnt want to waste my money, Already done that with goggles that fog up 😄,. But due to your advice iv bought some these
  20. If you was to get DPM Camel back what do you think the chances are of someone bursting it ?. Personally i think quite likely
  21. @Gunboat Diplomat I’m not to sure, I definitely want a red dot and tracer unit. I like to play outside with proper tactics. I used to be in army cadets so I would be better in that environment.eventually I think I would get a cqb and assault type. Il take your guys advice and make sure I get a good one though
  22. Yes iv played a couple, I can’t even get my RIF yet anyways I’m just thinking ahead, luckily iv got a shooting range booked for next week so hopefully try some more out. Also another trial day
  23. I'm thinking either a smg or assault rifle preferably one with a RIS system. If i wanted to put a tracer unit on it am i right in thinking i need to make sure it has threaded barrel ? I'm thinking maybe a SPECNA ARMS RRA SA-E07-L EDGE or somthing like it. Dose a longer barrel make a diffrence ?, What are good brands ? I'v head nurprol are just rebrands.
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