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Xtreme Tactical

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  1. sorry I forgot to add that fact to my original post. But hope I addressed it now.
  2. People wanted me to explain all of the questions so I did not a sob story. The SIG sights I sell are 100% Authentic. I have sold loads and yet no complaints they are fakes or clones. look at the reviews its speaks for them selves proven this author of this post wrong almost 3 years on not 1 review saying I have sold a Fake or a clone! Thanks for your comment. If you have never been a customer of mine how can you still say I'm selling fakes. The author of this post put up I am selling fakes and clones which is complete lies. I did nothing to him apart from him to start attacking me on eBay and reporting things to everyone. I see he is no longer a member here. I don't appreciate people on this post also attacking me and nobody has any proof, ever been a customer or know me personally. But I suppose it's easy nowadays just to type whatever you want about somebody. I have read all the comments and I don't know any of you but the assumptions made and the attacks are out of order.
  3. Hi All I wanted to clear a couple of things up. As this post has been around and obviously is making people nervous about me and my company. I understand completely as there is a lot of scammers out there. So let me be an open book and explain 3 years after this post My first company Quantum Tactical UK which was Rifle Optics UK, I had to change the name because I was struggling to get a Bank account due to the name having Rifle believe it or not. This business failing was an extremely hard pill to swallow for me but had no choice. I lost may supplier for over 6 months plus, 2 months before covid lockdowns. I thought this would be permanent. So I had no supplier with debt to service with no products to sell. The banks won’t wait for there money. There was no lending options at the time as they were not giving out the FREE COVID money when this happened. You will get in serious trouble if you continue to run a limited company knowing it is in trouble. So I took the very hard decision after speaking to my accountant to liquidate. This wasn’t cheap and I had to find the money which was everything I had saved. Quantum Tactical is now dissolved which proves no issues or wrong doing occurred it was just bad luck. There is a lot more happening now as people can’t pay back the bounce back loans… anyway Bigshow was a friend who thought he was doing me a favour. And clearly didn’t he was working with me on Ignite Tactical. Let’s say no more Ignite tactical was another name for the company which I decided I was sticking with Xtreme Tactical and I closed down ignite Tactical website. It is a simple as that. No hidden agendas or schemes. I am not a criminal or schema nobody lost from the liquidation, supplier was paid in full I had no staff apart from myself. Lloyds bank and Paypal lost as I had loans with them. That is it. I lost my savings my business and had no salary for a year as I tried to build Xtreme Tactical. No COVID money either as I was a Directer. February 2025 it will be 5 years in business with no major issues at all. Please ask the over 3000 customers I have had. My reviews don’t reflect this as it’s extremely hard to get reviews. It is a battle today to tried and build a business so I wanted to put my own comments on here. Please send me a message if you want to discuss anything. Please read website reviews https://xtremetactical.co.uk Trust Pilot Reviews https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/xtremetactical.co.uk Google reviews - just google the company Social media accounts have all new images up. Facebook is brand new again as Facebook censorship is real issue and they hate anything to do with guns. All links are on the website. Any question please message me on any of the socials. Thanks and happy shooting. George.
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