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Everything posted by mosesman831

  1. Dear Airsoft community, Does anyone know how you can build one of those full headpro helmets with a hybrid goggles? Normally people use full goggles with the elastic band on the top of the Fast Helmet to connect with the full goggles. As I am using a pyramex hybrid goggle, is there any attachments you could recommend to do this job? Thank you.
  2. I wouldn’t fuck up. I had played airsoft before at Hong Kong once or twice, but it wasn’t my own gear… Still some experience is better than none. *Just to clarify, I am 14, and my intention is to ‘play’ it in a registered airsoft field.* Your meaning of ‘full face mask’ is a paintball mask or (Goggles + mesh mask) because I was going for the 2 piece, didn’t know 1 piece was needed. But for CQB, 1 piece is better right? just fax there Thank you for everyone who replied. also I will try not to shoot people in the eye.. 👁️ 👁️
  3. Thank you for the simple answer. No, not that bad...
  4. So I can still play with it legally?
  5. Dear Airsoft Community, As I do not have a UKARA membership, but would like to buy a RIF, will it be possible to use my friend's mum's UKARA membership to buy the gun for me without two tone, and still be legal to use? Thank you.
  6. I might play both kinds, milsim and CQB, but I still don’t know what gun I should get… Maybe the outer materials are different?
  7. So, in your opinion, I should get the FLEX over the CORE? Because they have similar prices and I don't really want to make a bad decision, so I am here to ask the Airsoft community.
  8. Hello guys! As I am new to airsoft, I am having some trouble differentiating these 2 Specna Arms replicas. Please can someone help me pick the better one of these 2 guns? Thank you very much in advance. Specna Arms SA-C07 CORE Specna Arms SA-F02 Flex
  9. Hello guys! New to this airsoft game here. I am only 14, but with a love for FPS games like CS2 (CS:GO)... I had been recommended by my fellow mates about Airsoft and after looking at a few videos, I find it very interesting. So I think my airsoft journey should start here. I live in Hertfordshire and I have browsed through a few sites around me, and found a few milsims, but the closest indoor site is Bunker 51, are there any other good sites I could play at? But, as I am just a newbie, I would like some advice from you guys. It will be nice if you can answer some of my questions below. Thank you. The gun I should be getting soon: https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/specna-arms-sa-c07-core-tm-keymod-carbine-aeg Questions: 1. Do I really need a helmet, or a face mask is enough 2. How can I protect my ears? 3. Any attachments needed for a beginner Thank you very much and I hope you have a wonderful day.
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