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Everything posted by Mondai

  1. I may work in education, KCSIE will be followed, I'd agree this is an over reaction but per standard procedues probably unavoidable in current day. There are people in education with a reasonable logical head screwed on, but the people you will be reffered to will most likely not be those people. (Fingers crossed you do get a free thinking person) But just be calm and express in a non-crazed articulate manner and hopefully they understand. I was heavilly into military history and weapons by 6-8, begging to join the cadets by 10. So many fond memories of shooting BB guns in the back garden. I'd had been really bummed if this happened to me. This video is of a young guy who also got many prevent refferals + SS at school from his politics (from 9), it's as you expect, one sided propaganda from people who don't undestand memes or nuance. https://youtu.be/0b_U5KT2mZY?si=Y6BmjmtqQ2NMddCU You've not done anything wrong, just the world is different now. I know several airsofting students and father combo's and it's great to see their enthusiasm and interest. Goodluck. Are you blind or Ignorant? 🤡 Though I'd agree if you were going by classical standards, which I'll assume is the case. Lots of people have not realised the poles have flipped.
  2. Mondai

    LCT SR-3M

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    • For sale
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    LCT SR-3M AEG (Semi + Auto) Detachable 'Supressor' Lil' repro Zenitco charing handle 1x SR-3M 70rd Steel Midcap 2x VSS/AS VAL Brown 500rd? Highcaps "Edgi barrel, Infinity motor, MOSFET, Wired for Deans and is R-hopped. Throws .32’s for miles and can easily run .36’s!" Will throw in genuine russian sling and can include a couple 7.4v batt's if really needed. Bought from here few years ago, enjoyed my time with it. Moving it on as it's just getting dusty with all my locals shutting down 💀 Hard to descibe but when aiming down irons it seems slanted a tidge, not sure whats twisted or what, did not bother me as I zero'd with optic. Came as such from prev owner, shoots where irons point so guess its zero'd 🤷‍♂️ give me a poke for detailed iron images. Tape on stock just so its not so chilly + soft grip for folding closed or open, incredibly solid and sturdy stock mechanism! NSPU/1PN58 NV Scope not included, just looks funny. £250 collected £270 posted


    Havant, Hampshire - GB

  3. Everythings grey, yes but no but yes but no. I'd not see the difference in that import than an aliexpress parts import. Again aslong as they are legal parts to own e.g mags, furniture, it's fine. (Supressors have to be dummy) I've not had customs issues or courier delivery issues, only courier issues when exporting - they are a fussy bunch. Sending larger packs for a while then suddenly oops DPD actually scanned the box - had to drive half the country to collect. imo its a gamble you'd win 80% of the time but you do you and do not use this as advice because its bad advice based on luck. You could contact someone who deals in this stuff, but if you're not a customer I don't know how much time he'd give you. He's closed till next month or longer (heading to ukraine), his websites formatting has broken a bit. But ive even seen him sell real 9x39 VSS mags which are damn rare. https://www.cold-war-collectables.co.uk/parts-department/soviet-weapons-parts/ Deals in real steel deacs etc. - super jelous of his real AN-94, Bizon .etc https://www.facebook.com/ColdWarCollectables2/ It's also a shame Rusmilitary do not have Zenitco for offer as they are Russian, importing and selling Russian firearms & Accessories. (though I was unable to purchase something from them out of stock due to the sanctions) http://www.rusmilitary.com/ They even have a full sanction breakdown with loophole statement at the end just food for thought reading not that it matters imo (I'll avoid politics) http://www.rusmilitary.com/html/uk_sanctions.htm
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    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Hey, looking (desperately) for a Tokyo Marui Type 89 GBBR, either the full stock or para version. (very slightly prefer para ver but love both) Used, New, kinda broken - anything. I will gape my wallet open for you. Whatsapp/Text: 07880 335271 Discord: Mondai#6640


    , Hampshire - GB

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