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Posts posted by hilander

  1. i,ve bought and used batteries from there . there fine no better no worse than componentshop ones . the best and cheapest i,ve found have been hobbyking . i just changd the connectors to suit mine. i got 2 1800 lipo,s delivered for £15 , but if ur ordering from taiwangun there just as good ,

  2. hi. first of all you didn,t need to post 3 times . lol.

    anyway welcome .

    do a search for the airbana maps that will show u airsoft sites all over the uk. but check if there still operating as its not been updated for a while . if u already have a rifle . UKARA shouldn,t be a problem. but i would double check that . just find your local site get to know people and most will point you in the correct direction. and have fun.

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