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Karl Serjeant

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Everything posted by Karl Serjeant

  1. I'm amazed I lasted this long tbh! I'm going to be attending a local pistol club fairly regularly so I figured why not purchase one now given i will likely only use it their anyway, maybe as a sidearm in the future if I venture into DMR's. And that's exactly why I got it tbh mate, something a bit different and I like to think I don't take myself or this hobby too seriously, and I am a big kid and nerd at heart 😂
  2. Appreciate your honesty mate, we'll find out if I end up regretting buying it soon I'm sure 😂
  3. Certainly priced high for what it is I can agree with you on that! The way I look at it is whilst its extra for just a paint job, it also saves me getting a gun, two-toning and then painting again later Hahahaha it's certainly an acquired taste mate 😂 My thoughts exactly mate, cheers! 🙂 Thank you mate! If we all had the same bog standard black glock 17 it'd be a bit boring wouldn't it? It certainly is a talking point which for me is always good (providing its not a talking point because its utter s**** that is 😂)
  4. Picked up my first pistol today from Bomb Up in Warrington, I do not have my UKARA defence and figured, why bother getting a two tone to then paint over it once I have secured my defence when I could get this! Speaking to a few guys in the shop that were really helpful, with this being recommended as a great weapon all round. Would be interested to hear peoples thoughts and from anyone who owns one also Pics below:
  5. I made sure I learnt the correct wording for this at the very least before I embarrassed myself in my first post 😉 Just as a general update, I went for my first skirmish today at Outpost Airsoft and had a fantastic time, will definitely be going again soon! The people there were great and it was incredibly well organised! I will absolutely recommend to anyone on here based in and around d the North West, or for anyone that doesn't mind travelling 😄
  6. Thank you mate, I'll be sure to check your channel out! 🙂 Thank you for the advice mate! I had watched a video a while back talking about AEG vs GBBR and it was talking about the reliability issues of GBBR due to more metal and moving parts. I really love the idea of full immersion and the more realistic looking/feeling/sounding the gun the better for me! With that being said, have you had much issues with reliability and if so, would you say its a significant difference over an AEG? 🤔
  7. Thank you for the warm welcome mate! 😄 Thanks mate! 🙂 I am the kind of person that heavily researches something before actively joining "the community" so I know all about the importance of good equipment! I also watch a lot of airsoft related content on YT so have a little exposure to what was needed before going to the shop and picking out my beginner gear Picked up some good sturdy boots with good ankle support and some bolle x1000 goggles that I got a good deal on. Also got a full multicam set up purely because I like the look of that camo (despite likely not being ideal for UK sites) so from the gear perspective I think I have all I need for now (although I can already tell this hobby will likely be a money pit for me in the not too distant future) 😅😂
  8. Hi all! First and foremost I would just like to show my appreciation to everyone in the forum, especially admins/mods, for all of the excellent information readily available, which is invaluable to a newbie like me! I have been making my way through it, familoarising myself with the rules and forum sections etc. I am an active member on other forums like this (within different hobbies) so I had a good idea as to how this would work, but wanted to be sure I understood things before making my first post! I had been exploring the idea of getting into airsoft for a while now however Covid and work had got in the way. I finally decided to take the plunge into the world of airsoft a few weeks back, visiting a (somewhat) local shop to ask for advice and get my first beginner gear (For anyone interested it was Bomb up in Warrington). Following that, I went to one of their pistol club nights and had a great time, everyone was really friendly and more than happy to help me out and offer advice. I have booked my first skirmish in at Outpost airsoft near Chester for the full day on 16th April and I am extremely excited for it, whilst also a tad nervous as despite being in my 20s, my fitness is not what it was pre lockdown, largely due to my office job, working from home for a good portion of that time, stopping going the gym and Tarkov.... 😂 I have all the gear I need and will wait patiently for my UKARA defense before I buy my first gun, therefore will be using rentals until then as I don't really see the point in investing in a two tone only to replace it 2 months later! Any advice or knowledge you can bestow upon a complete beginner like me would be greatly appreciated!
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