so i have a imax b6. i seem to have an issue with it. the voltage is calibrated properly.
at rest it gives the right voltage. so for example 1.5v. when i begin charging or discharging a battery, if i check the voltage shown on the display, and the one shown by a multimeter, it is now off by quite a bit (like 0.15mv)
i think this is a original version, at least that's what it was sold to me as.
can someone with this charger verify for me please? check if with no load on the battery the voltage displayed is correct, then apply charge/discharge and check again.
mind you, i checked everything that could cause this error. connection is good and clean, tried with different batteries and different battery technology (ni-mh li-ion etc)
is my charger faulty or do others experience this issue? it seems that the bigger the charge/discharge rate, the more inaccurate it gets,
it also seems to have a hard time detecting end voltage for ni-mh. i set the detection to 5mv 7mv 10mv 15mv and 20mv, but it seems to make no difference. it sometimes overcharges batteries even tho they might be in good condition (so low internal resistance etc)
i'm also wondering, are there good alternatives? i really like the functions on this charger. the fact that i can charge all battery technology's and that user can tweak everything like voltage, cap limit, time limit etc.