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Posts posted by AdamH89

  1. Hey guys & girls,


    I have recently acquired a TM 417 NGRS as a trade from a friend ( a very trusted friend) who has stated that there has been a lot of work and parts put into it, around 3k he said.


    I have handed it over to my tech who has stripped and fixed a chewed up wire and he confirmed it has had a lot done to it (Titan NGRS, prometheus gears, high torque motor etc) but maybe not quite 3k (but could be) 


    Here lies my problem, I'm interested in potentially selling it to fund some repairs on my car, but I do not have a definitive list of upgrades as they were on the friends old phone he does not have access too it anymore, I don't want to sell myself short on this as it is with a heavy heart I'm even considering selling it as it is a beast in woodland skirmishes!


    Any helpful advice on a price point I should consider which would be reasonable for myself and the potential buyer would be greatly appreciated! 



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