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J phillips

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    Tm 416 devgru- mp7-mp5- m870
    Sig Mcx
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  1. Was sold a gun on behalf of his friend. Would not recommend 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aidennn2002


      @BreadyC I bought a gun. Expecting it to have no problems as I wasn't made aware of any problems. Got it and all worked fine. Bolt pull felt a bit stiff when I went to pull it back so looked to take it apart. Saw that the bolts to hold in the triggerbox were filed down. As well as the triggerbox being snapped on the front support so was only held in at the back. I managed to get the £40 back as I felt that was more than fair due to the problems I was unaware of. I then went to figure out a way to remove the screws to access the trigger box. They were woodscrewed into the reciever. Zinc plated woodscrews. That is why the ends of the screws were filed off. The gun was sold to me in fully working condition. Never informed of any problems until it arrived to me. Not my fault


    3. J phillips

      J phillips

      At the end of the day you got what you wanted a gun for nothing and insulted me also the refund was on the table. FYI the reason the bolt was stiff because of a new upgrade spring was put in. 

    4. Aidennn2002


      I didn't want a gun for nothing. I paid an agreed price. I apologise for the insult it was completely unnecessary and out of hand as I was very frustrated by the problems I had. Other than that I stand by what I said regarding the gun 

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