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Status Replies posted by Peter_94

  1. No surprise, still waiting on the refund you gave me your word on.  Coming up on 3 months now of what has been just blatant ignorance. 



    1. Peter_94


      No im not expecting it now and as i say it’s not about that anymore.  As soon as I confronted about the issue communication just became a nightmare.  Tried to be nothing but reasonable but get what was right from the issues.  

      In the message uploaded you can even see Excalibur saying he would leave me a good review to say communication was kept to a high standard on my end.  

      Giving your word to someone then not upholding that and flat out ignoring them just doesn’t sit right with me.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. No surprise, still waiting on the refund you gave me your word on.  Coming up on 3 months now of what has been just blatant ignorance. 



    1. Peter_94


      Excalibur: “I’ll keep true to my word” …. Sure doesn’t seem like it 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. No surprise, still waiting on the refund you gave me your word on.  Coming up on 3 months now of what has been just blatant ignorance. 



    1. Peter_94


      Just that I bought a plate carrier from Excalibur.  Sold as “new” but came and had been used, had bits missing and zipper pulls broken.  Raised it with Excalibur and PayPal and had absolutely shocking communication (next to none).  Closed the ticket out cause in over a month of the open ticket and next to no communication i took the carrier to a game.  Excalibur then gave me word that he’d changed jobs and would provide a partial refund when PayPal released the full funds or when he got his new pay on 31st Dec as shown above.  The latter was nonsense as here we are 2 months later and not a message, ignoring everything and no keeping to the word of a partial refund.  

      Not about the money at this point, just about the type of person that does something like this.  Was my first purchase on the forum and by far the worst. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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