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    ShirtLessScottishGuy got a reaction from Rollade for an advert, WE Tan gas Pmag   
    Like new WE Pmag feed lips are in perfect condition. 
    Barely been used as I sold the rifle I was gonna use it in a few weeks after buying.
    £35+£3 postage
    Any questions drop me a DM
  2. Like
    ShirtLessScottishGuy reacted to WolfBlood for an advert, VFC SR-25 GBB & 3x mags FOR SALE   
    1x Standard VFC SR25 ECC GBBR
    3x VFC 20rnd GBB SR25 Magazines
    Items will be sold as a bundle, not separate.

    Total: £650 + P&P
    willing to negotiate price
  3. CoolAF
    ShirtLessScottishGuy got a reaction from Louish118 for an advert, WE L85A3 GBBR   
    WE L85A3 Gbbr by Daves customs airsoft.
    Cerekoted Tan to match the real thing
    Any questions feel free to DM
    Looking to trade for: Gas DMR (nothing specific but feel free to offer)
    Gas Vector perhaps
    VFC HK416A5
    Any other gas loadout offers drop me a DM no golden eagle rifs though, plz and ty.
    Cash value Im looking for is £425
    Open to offers need this gone
    Can post or meet Located Inverness
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