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Everything posted by Currihane2

  1. I see, thanks. Yeah, I hate the hi-cap magazines. Everyone's a machine gunner, no one's individual. That's why I tend only to run midcaps with AEGs but I think the low cap of a GBBR will prove an interesting and unique challenge to me. I'm enthusiastic to give this a go. Just had a little look on classifieds and there's a couple that tickles my fancy. I'll keep shopping around until payday. (mine is not at the end of the month) I'm interested though, what makes the TM GBBRs (MWS and AKM, as Impulse said) so much better than most other GBBRs? What's up with WE GBBRs then? Why would you advise against? Also thanks for the info about Fire Support.
  2. I see, these are good insights. Thanks guys. I think I'll have a look around the classifieds here first but if not, Patrol Base sell the WE AR36 I mentioned for a couple hundred, following what Krisz about it being rather pricey quite quickly. I'm wanting a more realistic approach to the game and so this seems like a good idea, the weight only makes it better to me. Thanks for the input.
  3. As the title says, I'm looking at getting one or two GBBRs soon. I have a couple in my sights, WE AR36 GBBR and the TM M4 MWS (because it seems to be really highly acclaimed). Just wondering if anyone has any tips or anything I should know before I lose half my paycheck each month? Thanks all.
  4. Not sure the specific model but the pistol fits fine into the main holster, it's just the clip that goes over the top of it.
  5. For reference, this is the holster. I got this holster the other day but the flip-up bit is too low to cover my WE G17. Includes is a larger version of the flip-up piece, but this is where the issue comes in. I cannot remove the small flip-up piece. I've tried squeezing the inside bit together with pliers and pulling/pushing but nothing. I've tried and tried and I cannot swap it over. There is nothing online anywhere. Can anyone provide an insight into how I could do this? I'm stumped. Considered breaking the small bit off but don't want to damage the main holster itself. Thanks in advance.
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