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Everything posted by Caravan_Kid

  1. Brilliant thanks so much guys 😁
  2. Hi guys I'm a bit of a noob, only been playing a few months now, I ordered my first aeg back in April, having never visited a site before I had to order two tone. However when it turned up there was no two tone paint job, does this effect my being able to use it on sites or am I OK? Thanks in advance for the advice 😁
  3. That's mad I actually live in the brecon beacons 😂 I don't know I will have a goosey gander at them today now! Ahh That's very noble of you kind sar 😅 thanks mate 😂 if its any consolation Im not that rich myself 🤪🤪
  4. Field of dreams?! Building my own isn't a bad shout at all! You did also mention another reason for finding a local site... Step my game up and have some proper game time 😁💯
  5. Thanks! Think they're about an hour from where I am, which is nothing in Wales tbf 😂 will check them out, much appreciated Thanks 😂 yeah that's the plan! Their loss really I got a few acres of woodland that doesn't get used for much else 😁
  6. Hi guys brand new to Airsoft, started in April with a few mates, who have since lost interest and left me with all the gear and no idea, of who or where to play! (we were just having matches in the woods on my land) Hoping I can meet a few people here who are from Wales, intrested in playing and/or have any information on somewhere I can go and stretch my itchy trigger finger with like minded people 😁 I've completely fallen in love with the game and just cannot wait to get back out there!
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