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CAPT. Viper

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Posts posted by CAPT. Viper

  1. Hi, my name is Capt. Viper I am looking for players who might want to join the airsoft team I am part of, We are wanting to expand the team to different areas of the UK and get a good sized team going so I have been given the lovely task of starting a Division down here so if you would like to join or have friends and they want to start airsofting as they say more the merrier.


    I am based in Manchester and my local site/most frequented is The Mill (Based in Wigan- first and only events) and then a few more dotted around but I am not only looking in the Manchester area I am also looking in North Wales area as well, if you are looking to play with some nice sound people add me on discord (the_blue_viperqt#3862) or PM me. Like I said I'm Capt. Viper I require I minimum of 4 players to start a division like I said before also looking in the North Wales area as well.

    If you are under 18 please have a parent contact me as well please, if you are 18 and over then you are fine. 

    Apologises if this is in the wrong section.

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