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  1. Well that's some good news that I'm not totally screwing it up :P. Yea I might need to go to a shop for some advice for the cylinder head, cause I already tried a drizzle of oil and boiling water but nothing seemed to help.
  2. Hello I'm a total noob at this stuff but I'm interested... So that's a start :P. I have bought an A&K M24 with the purpose of upgrading it, without throwing too much of the internals away. The upgrades I currently have installed: Autobot hop bucking 60° (Maple Leaf) 430 mm Maple Leaf, precision barrel - Crazy Jet I also have the following upgrades, but haven't installed them yet: 9mm M140 spring Omega HopUp Nub (Maple Leaf) What I still want to buy HopUp CNC Roller Shape lever (TM-vsr rifles) - hop arm. My questions are: How do I unscrew the cylinder head so I can change my spring. I have tried pliers etc, but it's so hard to remove, because of this my cylinderhead already has some scratches. Once I've replaced the spring, I will also wrap the cylinder head in some telfon tape to make it more airtight. I think I'm off to a good start with these upgrades, or so I want to believe. The max FPS here (Belgium) is 500. Would you suggest any other upgrades, or any other things I could/should do? Any other advice?
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