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  1. thank you finally someone told me that the supressor fit over and not just mounted on it thank you so much
  2. basically I heard on a few post that extended barrel help fps on the vector but only a tight bore and but reason I want more fps is because the vector is my only gun that ricochet when from small sticks on tree like all my mates have m4s or aks and they dont ricochet bc they have stronger guns obviously and I play privately so we dont have a fps cap
  3. thanks for the response the reason I want to longer barrel is because it increases the vectors fps because I read that on a few forums now that spring dont do much but extending the barrel helps and also do you know anything about the supressor from angry gun?
  4. hey guys I want to find out a few things so basically I want to get an extended inner barrel on the vector and I want to know if the ksv angry gun supressor will go on like the compensator and also if I got the shorter outter barrel will the supressor be able to mount the supressor on because the shorter outter from laylax does have tread on both side it's only for the inside and on top I also want to ask if a 11.1v 20c with a m130 spring is safe to use because I dont want to damage internals
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