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  1. Thanks ill look into this i actually have a shooting club /range near so ill try and find out. thank you
  2. Diemaco, Tommikka thanks very much exactly what i was looking for I've been confused by this for couple of weeks and was just getting the same info no matter what i searched so thanks guys Kind regards Steve
  3. Hi diemaco can i buy 177 gas blowback without ukara?
  4. Ok so ukara needed to buy a pistol that is too powerful to use doing what i need to do to be registered makes sense thanks
  5. Yes but then is there another way to purchase say a glock 17 gen 4 dual ammo pistol without ukara, and not a silly two tone like i say im not a skirmisher but i love all air weapons use them properly and not outside waving it around causing harm or threat is there another way to certify my intentions without the need to take up skirmishing or are all airsoft dealer's just going to say no sorry you're not ukara registered
  6. Hi could anyone help me please, Why do i need to run around in the woods skirmishing shooting a pistol no more than 350fps 3 times over the course of 2 months so i can then buy the RIF of my choice that infact the particular ones i am looking to buy will be too powerful for me to use whilst i skirmish so there's no point in taking up skirmishing on a regular basis when for me I've grown up with air rifles/pistols shooting on private land and away from the public i would like to buy some more realistic looking weapons is there another way to become ukara registered without having to play army games or can i have a valid defence without being a film making museum curator who rein acts battle scenes? Kind regards Steve P. S no offence intended to anyone who likes to skirmish its just not for me Thank you
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