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  1. INFO: Game date: 27.04.2024 Field opens at: 09:00 Ticket price: 25€ Ticket at gameday on spot: 30€ Google map link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/uAPmNdVGmLzq7LZ66 GAME Operation Guardian Introduction: Operation Guardian is an exciting and dynamic airsoft game where two teams compete for control of four key sectors and one high priority point. The game is controlled by an electronic map (ares-alfa) that displays the area and who controls the checkpoints also players are able to see where their teammates are. In addition, both teams have the possibility to use UAVs and EMPs to weaken their opponent or to reinforce their position. Goal: One team's goal is to defend the high point and dominate as many sectors as possible, while the other team tries to capture the high point and take control of the sectors. Game organisation: The game area is divided into four main sectors and one high priority point. Both teams receive an electronic map showing which team is currently dominating which sector. Ares-Alpha app is used In addition, both teams will have the possibility to use UAVs to get an overview of the enemy's positions, and EMPs to disrupt the enemy's electronics and positions. BASE RULES BIO BBs ONLY Guns/automatics -1.2J unlimited (reasonable distance is advised). Automatic weapons 1,2-1,6J backup recommended, min. distance 10m, if no backup replicas must use single shots only if closer than 10m.( drum magazines prohibited). Machine guns and semi-automatic snipers(single shot only) 1,5-2,5J backup mandatory, min. distance 20m (hi-cap and drum magazine does not make M4 a machine gun). Bolt action snipers -3,5J backup mandatory, min.distance 30m. All replicas will go through chronograph with your own bb before the match starts. Non-compliant replicas will not be allowed in the game. In the event of a complaint, the organizer has the right to re-crono your replica but with the staff's own bbs. In case of discrepancy or cheating, the organizer has the right to remove the player from the game. ORANGE REFLECTIVE VEST IS REQUIRED GRENADES AND SMOKE ALLOWED ONLY AT THE RISK OF THE THROWER/SHOOTER (NO SMOKE ALLOWED IN BUILDINGS). NOTE!!! WE ARE USING ARES-ALFA APP Recomanded to use N.A.C. website username on this app. Available on Google Play and App store. Estonian airsoft rules: Airsoft rules in Estonia Extra info and registration to the game: https://naissaareairsoft.ee
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