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Posts posted by Dan_NL

  1. Is there any kind of special permit required if attending an airsoft event in the UK when it comes to transporting your airsoft guns and equipment when you are coming from abroad ?
    As in certain temporary permits to be asked for prior to "moving across the pond" from lets say France or the Netherlands ?

    If there's any links on this subject or previous posts or other threads, please provide me with the information / links.

    Much appreciated.

    N04 / Dan.

  2. Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen,


    We are a Dutch team (5 members, + 4 hangaround) and are looking for a proper milsim event in the U.K. early this summer.
    Since there's a lot of Belgian and Dutch teams that have played in the U.K. we have heard quite a lot from these teams about events in the U.K. and we are looking forward to participate in an event as hosted by Stirling or Tier One.

    Are there any events planned for the period of May to July that are worth the trip ?

    Tips would be much appreciated.

    Thank you in advance.

    N04 / Dan.

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