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Everything posted by Panzer-Punisher

  1. Great advice, thank you... Now to save for that TM HK45!! Anyone know if they fit into a standard pistol holster? As for my assault vest, it's the South African version... Pockets aren't perfect, but then I'm still finding my way around it and what/where works! The hydration bladder carry section will be useful.
  2. Hello, I'm relatively new to airsoft (used to play paintball but never seriously), have played at three outdoor sites (and one indoor that's now closed)... And I've found airsoft to be absolutely awesome!! I've recently started my KSK Kommando Spezialkräfte loadout, I have uniform, hat, assault vest all in flecktarn and my first gun is a MP5SD (no modifications, upgrades or extras... Yet!), shoots 316fps on .25 and looks great doing it!! Only question I have at the moment is: How strict to copy my chosen loadout? The KSK use the H&K P8 pistol, but I really like the look of the TM HK45 pistol... Thoughts?
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