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  • Guns
    G&G firehawk
    TM Glock 19

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  1. Kerby, will do. I've already got my eyes on an AK 😈
  2. Thanks mate, very useful! I'll look into it. I purely want it for asthetic reasons as I think it looks cool 😊
  3. Hi guys, I'm a total noob when it comes to airsofting but my mates have got me into it and I love it. I just bought my first AEG, a G&G Firehawk M4 as I thought for entry level it would be reasonable. So far it's done well but Jeez is it ugly! I'd love to get a short suppressor for it but being new I have no idea which ones would fit and where to get one from so if anyone could advise me it would be greatly appreciated! Cheers
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