Hi everyone,
I have been thinking about getting a WE SMG-8. I want to take a step into the world of GBB but at a low price point, and this seems to be an affordable place to start. Wanting to get some views on it, what range and accuracy if like, whether it's actually worth the money and time. This would be in addition to running a KJW gas G32, which i love and would like to move toward gas primary weapons.
If anyone is wondering, I play at Ground Zero in Ringwood, near bournemouth, it is an out door site that has a fair bit of cqb involved as well as some mid to long range. Main questions. thisuld be in addition to running a KJW gas G32, which i love and would like to move toward gas primary weapons.
For people who run a gas gun:
Is gas ok to run in winter(on a primary) and what gas is best for cold weather and which for warmer summer weather?
Is there any benefits to running with a gas gun over AEG?
What maintaining is needed for a gas gun such as this?
For those who have a WE SMG-8:
How do you find the range and accuracy at short to mid ranges?
Are magazines gas efficient and are they interchangeable with other brands?
What is the construction like?
That is all, open to questions for all, if it helps to answer the above:) I'm not looking to buy atm so please no offers. Thanks all!!!