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  • Guns
    none for the time being
  • Sites
    Play at sites around Lincoln

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  1. Hi all I'm looking to buy a Lee Enfield rifle ... Does anyone know where I can buy one the cheapest I've found one at 1,450 which is a bit out of my budget.
  2. That I shall bear in mind when buying my next rifle (hopefully something along the lines of a sniper rifle ... possibly an m4 with optics) But if you guys think this rifle will be ok as it is then I'm happy.
  3. I am over 18 but don't have ukara yet my next game will be the third one to satisfy the criteria for that
  4. Im not really looking to customise ... Im just after a as is rifle that I can buy for game days instead of reserving a club rifle.
  5. I've been advised to seek advice from the airsofting community on a rifle i've been looking at buying (rifle is in the link - http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-m4-m15-m16-variants/classic-army-m16-vn-2014-version-black.htm#.Vh0N4IlwZAj ) Does anyone know if this is a good basic rifle ... I'm not worried about it's lack of customisation or if the magazine is to small as I can buy ones that carry a bigger capacity of bb's. Please let me know as I'd like to put an order in so that I'll have a rifle for the next up coming game.
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