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  • Guns
    TM Hi capa 5.1
    TM SCAR heavy
    Ares Scar Heavy
    Silverback SRS A1
    Silverback Tac41p
  • Loadouts
  • Sites
    LAC, the black site, camp Sparta
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  1. Thanks, yea the Stan and Bawtry I knew about, Britac I think it's called, didn't know there was a site in Worksop though so all good info. Service might be an idea I was thinking of getting them done and checked over with not using them for a while will have a look
  2. Hi everyone I'm trying to get back into Airsoft after 3 years off, (new child). First of all I'm in Doncaster so I'd like to find people near me who I could meet and join on a game or 2 to help me back in, I have everything in the shed so I am going to get it out and get it serviced, buy a couple new batteries. Bit long winded I have just realised but if anyone wants a tag along I would be grateful. I have played woodland, sand quarry's and urban, I love urban the Stan was my absolute favourite all that sneaking in the dark, so please if anyone can help let me know Thank you
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