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  1. I replaced the hop rubber about a year back which helped a bit. The original magazine is the one I have been using but I've also ordered another magazine which should arrive in the next few days. So we shall see then! Thanks for all the help
  2. So I've relubed the nozzle and all other moving parts and I haven't had a leak yet. I've also notice that sometimes whilst firing at the target some shots wouldn't actually come out the barrel but the blowback would go. So when firing I hold the magazine in/up more firmly with my non- trigger hand and then it fires smoothly. So could it also be down to a bad mag fit? I put the gas in it in short one second bursts about 4 times. And yes the gun has worked properly before for the first few months. Thanks
  3. I've oiled up all parts of the internals as suggested and managed to get almost a whole clip out. The slide then jammed again and leaked gas. After removing the slide and inspecting the nozzle I can see that sometimes it gets stuck. It moves back close to where it should be but then I have to tap it for it click back fully. I've applied silicon oil to the whole section but it still sticks. Will I have to dismantle this part? Thanks for the help
  4. Hi guys and girls, Ive had this glock for many years and since the first year of having it I was experiencing problems. When firing relatively rapidly, the topslide stops and gas leaks out. If you need, watch the video and you can see for yourself: https://youtu.be/KZ_Z6a2PmX0 I would really like to get this baby working properly! Does it just look like a faulty seal on the mag? If so, it holds a small amount of gas for days on end?! Diagnoses/any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Jarhead
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