Hey guys just starting airsofting after realising my university has a airsofting team and always wanting to do it!
Everything is ordered gun wise now and just need to get some camouflage and I am ready to start skirmishing!
Any other airsofters around North London area (close to Hertfordshire) that could recommend any places?
Is this a lower mesh mask? Attach it to a helmet like the ones on people are selling?
For my low budget that I have (less than £70-80) would it be worth it buying second hand ESS glasses and mask as well as a helmet to reduce costs massively? Or would you not recommend second hand glasses?
So I've just ordered my first gun and I am now looking at what to get for eye protection and mouth?
I have a low budget but I will spend a reasonable amount because I only get 1 set of eyes and my dental bill is already high from previous accidents!
What would you guys recommend or what do you wear already? Some links would help greatly!
Thank you!
Would this be ok to fit in the GC16? http://www.hobbyking.co.uk/hobbyking/store/%5F%5F67911%5F%5FKing%5FArms%5F120rounds%5Fmetal%5Fmagazines%5Ffor%5FMarui%5FM4%5FM16%5FAEG%5Fseries%5FBlack%5FEU%5FWarehouse%5F.html
Alright thanks I'm going order the battery and magazine which is the last bits later, how much should I be looking at for a decent magazine?
Also what's the difference between high cap and low cap magazines?
Yeah that makes sense so I guess I'll get them soon! Also did you see my last post about spare magazine? What would you recommend for my gun I just ordered?
Also would it be better value to buy another magazine of this website to save on cost of postage in future? If so could you recommend one that would fit or is it any M4/M16 magazine would fit my GC16?
I'll get the charger off of eBay (one you showed me as well)
Few other questions where do you buy your bb pellets from for cheap and what weight would you recommend?
I'll get the charger off of eBay (one you showed me as well)
Few other questions where do you buy your bb pellets from for cheap and what weight would you recommend?
That has explained a lot for me! I'm learning so much from your posts for future reference! I'm just going to buy a x2 of those 1300mAh you linked to me! Anything else I'll need off of that website as I might as well get some more stuff to save on postage later on!
Cheers mate, I'll let you know what I order in the morning as I'm going to sleep on what you've said and have a thorough search in the morning for all the stuff I need! You've been great help and have welcomed someone into airsoft!
Thank you that reply helped me a lot! So if I get a battery like the one you suggested id have to solder on the t link for it to work in the gun? If so then I think that's all I need and I can begin looking at other parts such as accessories and magazines to make the postage cost cheaper in the long run haha
Sorry if I sound like a noobie but what do you mean if I have the adjustable stock for cm16 rifle?
This is the one buying
Hey I'm new to airsoft and I am going to start it up when I go back to university in september and join a society so it will be about 4 skirmishes a month! For the moment I want to have a fun I'm use too and can upgrade if need be! Could some one kindly link me some batteries to buy for my rifle as I am confused a little bit on what will fit etc! Is it a 7.4v li-on?
The GC16 is 168 altogether with two tone and delivery included. Thanks!
Appreciating the help Sitting Duck! So you're saying there is a big improvement compared to the Raider and GC16 or minimal? Also how much would you spend on the average charger and battery and if there are any discount codes you know for the supplier?