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    • For sale
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    Hey, Selling off my old gun as im not playing at the moment, its a professionally upgraded 416D, with a spring making 340FPS and the Lipo mod to use the included x2 Lipo batteries. Also includes the standard TM mid cap, 3 further midcaps, and a brand new HiCap, also has a sling and the barrel extension in the box. Works amazingly, must snappier than a stock model, been 100% reliable in my usage. Looking for collection ideally but could post for extra cost


    - GB

  2. Cheers guys! i prefer light weight vs loads of combat gear so minimal stuff would be best for me! just a hoodie and a face mask with a cap would be great if you can be that minimal! Obviously i dont know what the pains like but can you just wear a t shirt? will it welt and bruise like a paintball to bare skin? Ill check that youtube now! Ill be sure to ask a load of questions, first event is likely to be easter sunday at AWA Herts. Its all woodland based it seems. And yes the main draw is that BB arent as expensive as Paint and i like having a replica of a gun! more realistic!
  3. Fantastic replies guys!, so i can get registered in 2 months by playing 3 games? I am planning on going easter weekend with some friends as the first game. Will sites have a range of gear to rent? or do most sites have like 20 of 1 gun and thats it? Perhaps ill but the clothing etc and wait for the gun! do all my research first and save a bit more cash! Any advice on where to purchase other equipment? clothes, etc. My local place is £45 a day including rental, how many rounds do you get in a day? much like a paintball day? Also, any more brand recommendations / youtube channels / review sites i should research to learn about different guns? Cheers for all the help! great forum!
  4. Great thanks, so i have to wait 6 months before i can buy my own equipment? was hoping to invest after the first time if i enjoyed it to save paying rental fees! My local venue is 'AWA Herts' 30mins away if thats a good place?
  5. thanks guys, how many games are required to be registered? and what about buying non 2 tone second hand?
  6. Cheers ill give it a read! I plan to go to a site asap to give it a go, from there im willing to spend a lot to get the best make / quality I can manage, I can always sell it on if i quit! I see guns are mostly £150-£200? which is pretty reasonable to me. Im just picky about the style! i love the G36C, Tavour21 and a few others specifically : )
  7. Cheers ill take a look, im not particularly on a tight budget though! i believe in buying once and buying good : )
  8. Hey guys So recently I was made aware of airsoft having been a big paintball fan but couldnt afford the paint / gun / getting to locations. I also love replica guns from all the video games I play! So as a combination is seems like a great activity to get into, especially as im in an area with a few sites (hertforshire) I was looking at buying my own gun to learn and practice with in my garden before i get involved massively! So I was wondering what are the essential buying tips for a new entrant? I have enough budget to afford whatever I decide I want, its just making those decision in an informed manor : ) Appreciate any help and im looking forward to making some purchases!
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