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Posts posted by Flenix

  1. Hey guys, me again! :)


    I'm in the preliminary stages of planning out a technology aspect I want to implement into my guns; in the form of a HUD mounted with useful information - one piece of that of course being my current ammo.


    Now, for low-cap (standard) mags, this is pretty easy. Fill it up to capacity, shoot away, and when you reload it breaks the metal contacts and "resets" the counter back to full.

    However, obviously with high-cap mags, this isn't as simple, because you don't remove the mag to reload as often, you just wind away at that noisy little wheel on the bottom. (Seriously, you might as well just shout RELOADING at the enemy.)


    I figured there must be a way I can get around this, so opened up a cheap Cyma high-cap I got with my 25 quid spare two-tone G36. This, is where I'm stumped.


    The internal assembly seems relatively simple; the BBs sit in a hopper on top of the wheel, and when it's turned the wheel acts as a conveyor and pushes the BBs around, and then up the feed into the gun.

    However, when the feed tube is filled up all the way and tight (meaning the BBs will push up without the help of gravity), the wheel stops feeding in new BBs. Even if there's room for them to move around the wheel towards the feed tube, they just stay where they are. There's a second cog in there too, which also stops moving.


    My mag is plastic. It's a very dark translucent plastic, I can see through parts, but not the cogs - Does anyone have any idea what kind of little mechanical switch is going on in there to say "OK, I'm full now, stop giving me BBs"? - I'm hoping I can use that to tell my system there's currently a 31-BB mag installed, and have my connection switch on the wheel so when it's turned, the counter is reset.

    That's a bit of a rambling post; I can get some pictures if that helps anyone?


    TL;DR - How does a high-cap mag know when to stop feeding BBs?

  2. Hello all!

    I've found a used CA M15A4 for sale on a Facebook group. It comes with 5 mid-cap mags, but needs a service ("Service will have to include a new hopup rubber and the wiring could do with being looked over. There is a loose connection at one of the tamiya connectors in the stock. Either the one that connects to the battery, or the one that connects to the motor wires. ")



    He's looking for 100 for it, plus postage. I can only find the gun on US stores, for about $150 (which is around 90ish?) new, but obviously doesn't have the extra mags.

    It's also 5 years old.


    I'm relatively new to airsoft, but pretty smart in general (without meaning to sound big headed... :P) so confident I could figure out the service stuff, especially in this lovely age of the internet.

    My question is; is it worth it? That does seem quite high for a gun that needs work doing and is 5 years old, even with the extra mags. The extra mags are also tan (with the gun being black) which would bug me, plus I prefer low-caps. I'm a fan of both realism and short, accurate bursts ;)


    Any advice?

  3. Its the same for me, all dot sights are hazey to me as my eyes are bad


    The dot is for quick acquisition so dont focus on it


    Alright cheers, at least I know that the sight works properly now in case I ever sell it or something :)

  4. Hello all.


    I bought myself a broken holo sight about a week ago. I just got it fixed and working again, but the crosshair looks very hazy and blurry.


    I'm just wondering; does anyone else with bad eyes get this? I can't figure out if the sight is still a little faulty, or if my bad eyes just can't focus on it properly. When I take a picture of it with a good camera, the crosshair comes out clear as day...


    For reference, the original fault was a power one; the negative power lead inside had eroded away from the battery casing so it wasn't getting any power.

  5. Hey guys!


    I got into airsoft about 4 months ago. I'm all registered with UKARA and stuff now, got myself a few guns and want to start getting into custom work so figured I'd join a forum.


    I'm a bit of a technology nut, and hoping to build some cool devices to use with airsoft over the next year to give my guns a unique flair ;)

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