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Everything posted by jim765

  1. ohh i was measuring thumb to pinky stretched out
  2. £20 but my main problem is size will size small fit me?
  3. Well I have some paintball gloves I use but looking for an upgrade
  4. I am 14 with a handspan of 7.5 inc ( about ) what are the best gloves to buy? I want to be able to reload easily and also have some protection
  5. jim765

    Best bbs?

    Do you know the cheapest place to buy devil blastes as I can only find normal blasters
  6. jim765

    Best bbs?

    What do you guys think are the best bbs and are asg blasters any good Ps my friend is thinking of buying bulldog bbs is it a good idea?? Also should I keep a lipo battery charged ??
  7. R u still not prepared to two tone
  8. yes but in your post you say that you are not prepared to two tone and i am under 18 so my parents have no defence even though i am a regular skirmisher
  9. Is it a full gas blowback
  10. Are the colours the same on both guns And have u personally found u carnt empty a mag Would u recommend any other Marui pistols
  11. I've had my eye on this pistol for a while but wanted to know a few things Is it plastic ? http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=4325 http://www.proairsoftsupplies.co.uk/acatalog/meu_pistol.html Are those pistols different the second one looks better to me or is that just pic quality are the colours different? Is the gun ach a good gun? Are there any other uk retailers where I can get this gun
  12. Never mind I had to reverse them for some reason thank you so much you have made my day I can play tomorrow thanks to you
  13. There in the right position
  14. I have a skirmish tomorrow come to charging my lipo and my IMAP b6 says reverse polarity when I plug my lipo in please help me
  15. ive been trying to buy one of these for ages ,but the one i bought is coming from china and wont be here till after Christmas. preferably i want it this week where can i buy one of these from as all amazon ones are from china and do not have a fast delivery option
  16. i have one of these and i only have room for 3 mags and i am now thinking about getting mid -caps is their any way i can attach a molle belt and get extra mag capacity?
  17. im just wondering which of these is better please answer of what you think is better in your opinion
  18. i have heard iron sights you can not lock onto a target quick enough and what is the best sight 20-30 pounds?
  19. well that settles that then
  20. how about this looks pretty good http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=268_318_403&products_id=8601
  21. yes but i would preferably like a metal gun and i feel that ill be wanting a metal gun in a year or so and regret buying thr combat machine
  22. the thing is i want to get into airsofting but my parents wont let me have more than 1 gun for some reason. so i want to make it a good gun that i would not one to replace. what gun would you get in my position
  23. yes but i can buy the gen3 at that price
  24. looking for a gun for £250- 300. i have heard the combat machine range are very good but looking for a gun to last as i wont be buying another anytime soon. i was looking at the gen 2 t418 but none are in stock as it is gen 2 and also lots of people have had problems is there any other gun for this price range which is good? preferbaly an m4
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