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if any of you live in peterborough me and my freinds go to the querry near orton and hampton it has wood loads of hills and contruction site yes they let us in there after hours isnt that nice, we even made our own little fort that the builders gave us some bricks to make one umm its a really huge area around 1mile long haha, but yeah its fun and if anyone wants to join message me and ill give you the details

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  • 7 months later...
if any of you live in peterborough me and my freinds go to the querry near orton and hampton it has wood loads of hills and contruction site yes they let us in there after hours isnt that nice, we even made our own little fort that the builders gave us some bricks to make one umm its a really huge area around 1mile long haha, but yeah its fun and if anyone wants to join message me and ill give you the details




Hi there. yeah i live in peterborough and possibly would like to join in with you. i think i know where you play. when do you go there? weekends? plz tell me more

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