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Airsoft Xcalibre

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hi there,


i just thought i would leave a quick post about our new site in cheshire (yes were fully insured) , we have two games coming which are the 19th and 28th of september at out new woodland site in CHESHIRE (just outside Alderley edge).


if you fancy a trip down or would like some more info please dont hesitate to get in touch with us on here and we will do are best to answer any questions you may have..


ow one last thing here is the link to our group on facebook :


Facebook Group Page


many thanks,



Airsoft Xcalibre (Cheshire)

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next game is this sunday (the 9th) which is looking to be a busy one. its my regular site to play at.


reeja where are you from? and what you need to know, i kow that the guy running the site cant always get on so if you need anything then i can maybe help?

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