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We are recruiting for 2024!


We are open to application from anyone who:


- Can regularly attend Section 8 Airsoft, and is able to travel to other sites in central Scotland (such as Enemy Down, The Depot, and Area 66).

- Is aged 18+.

- Is interested in playing as part of a team that employs tactics in-game, using team structure and radio comms to maximise our team's impact.

- Plays the game with honesty and integrity, and does not expect to get away with cheating by being in a team.

- Is interested in "team life", such as being part of team meetings, social outings, and other joint activities.


There is a trial period during which we assess your fit with the team and ensure you are an honest and fair player.


For more information, and to get in touch, check out our website's recruitment page!

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