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I am thinking of selling my M14 DMR dependant on interest. Brought it a few months ago and had a lot of professional tech work done to make it a very accurate DMR. Considering selling however as I’m finding it not to be my style of play, I tend to prefer CQB engagements. 


Upgrades are as follows;

-Locked to single shot

-FPS increased while still allowed at any site as certain places require dmr’s to be under 400

-Flat hopped, with 60* bucking

-Active breaking Perun Mofset installed. This will run an 11.1 lipo safely all day

-Tightbore barrel

-Upgraded piston, piston head and cylinder

-Upgraded spring guide

-Wired to deans


This will come with a Theta optics 3-9x rifle scope, and 2x mid cap mags/ 1x high cap mag.  The whole package new with upgrades and accessories added would cost close to £500, but I am asking for significantly less than that due to it being slightly used. Message me for any more details.


Collection in Derby. Swaps considered but cash preferred. 



  • Make
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  • FPS
  • Accessories
    Scope, 3x mags

- United Kingdom

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