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Airsoft in Nottingham - Skirmish Site is back

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Yeah, Phoenix have just moved from one site to another. The new one is a lot bigger and has jeeps! But there's only one game area that's 90acres, instead of a lot of smaller areas.


I miss the village from Skirmish already, but Welbeck is awesome. The owners are cool guys as well. There's a Facebook page for the site too, just search for "Phoenix airsoft"

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Phoenix have moved to Welbeck and I hear its a nice site.


Skirmish Airsoft, which is at the skirmish site is up and running as from the 29th January.


Whole site opened up and no paintball that weekend at all.


Free membership to all who attend on that day as well.

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I could've sworn you said it opened up on the 29th Feb in a post on another thread?

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